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- "accrue"
- "to come about or increase"
- "Interest will accrue on the money"
- "you put in your savings account."
- ""
- "Your ability to play the piano will"
- "______ as you continue to practice."
- ""
- "circumvent"
- "to go around; to avoid"
- "* always managed to"
- "circumvent the opposition."
- ""
- "The dishonest man was always trying"
- "to __________ the law."
- ""
- "congeal"
- "to become solid"
- "The pudding began to congeal when"
- "it cooled."
- ""
- "The gelatin salad will _______ in "
- "the refrigerator."
- ""
- "deduce"
- "to figure out"
- "You can deduce the answer if you"
- "try the addition method."
- ""
- "She tried to ______ why the machine"
- "worked the way it did."
- ""
- "denude"
- "to strip"
- "Do not allow the campers to denude"
- "the natural beauty of the forest."
- ""
- "You will have to ______ the log of"
- "its bark before it can be made into"
- "lumber."
- "desecrate"
- "to violate the sacredness of"
- "The vandals might desecrate the"
- "church."
- ""
- "You might _________ the tomb if you"
- "open it."
- ""
- "devolve"
- "to transfer duties"
- "If the President dies, his duties"
- "and responsibilities will devolve"
- "to the Vice-President."
- "When Ann resigns from the club, her"
- "duties will _______ to another "
- "committee chairman."
- "disseminate"
- "to spread"
- "The missionary worked to disseminate"
- "his religious beliefs among the "
- "natives."
- "The teacher tried to ___________"
- "new ideas to her students."
- ""
- "dote"
- "to be overly fond of"
- "Some grandmothers like to dote on"
- "their grandchildren."
- ""
- "Some parents ____ on their children"
- "and spoil them with too much"
- "attention."
- "emote"
- "to speak with emotion"
- "The actress must emote with lots of"
- "energy."
- ""
- "It was difficult for the television"
- "actor to _____ in the live theatre"
- "production."
- "expiate"
- "to make amends for"
- "He hopes to expiate his idleness"
- "by working hard now."
- ""
- "Harold wants to _______ his wrong-"
- "doings by volunteering for charity"
- "work."
- "intercede"
- "to plead in behalf of another"
- "My mother is always willing to"
- "intercede for me."
- ""
- "In court, his attorney will "
- "_________ to help save him from a"
- "prison sentence."
- "lionize"
- "to treat as very important"
- "When the astronauts return, everyone"
- "will lionize them."
- ""
- "Many women _______ the handsome"
- "actor."
- ""
- "meander"
- "to wander aimlessly"
- "The child likes to meander through"
- "the park."
- ""
- "The old man likes to _______ up"
- "and down the street."
- ""
- "objurgate"
- "to scold harshly"
- "The teacher will objurgate her"
- "students if they fail to turn"
- "in their homework."
- "It is difficult to _________ a"
- "child with such innocent-looking"
- "eyes."
- "obviate"
- "to remove; to clear out of the way"
- "The teacher tried to obviate the"
- "easy questions from the test."
- ""
- "No matter how hard we try we cannot"
- "_______ all the danger from our"
- "lives."
- "patronize"
- "to be a regular customer of"
- "We patronize the local stores."
- ""
- ""
- "She will continue to _________ the"
- "department store that is downtown."
- ""
- "placate"
- "to soothe or pacify"
- "* tried to placate the "
- "boy who had been offended."
- ""
- "Sally tried to _______ her angry"
- "parents by cleaning the house."
- ""
- "pontificate"
- "to speak in a pompous manner"
- "The mayor will pontificate at the"
- "city council meeting on the merits"
- "of his administration."
- "My father tends to ___________ when"
- "he presents a toast."
- ""
- "preponderate"
- "to be greater than something else"
- "The good in their motives will"
- "preponderate over the bad."
- ""
- "The idle people must not ____________"
- "over the industrious ones or progress"
- "will cease."
- "recant"
- "to publicly denounce one's belief"
- "Galileo was forced to recant his"
- "theory that the earth revolves"
- "around the sun."
- "When the professor realizes his"
- "error, he will ______ his theory."
- ""
- "reciprocate"
- "to give something in return"
- "* wants to reciprocate "
- "for Harry's good deed."
- ""
- "I like to do favors for people who"
- "will ___________."
- ""
- "resurrect"
- "to bring back to life"
- "It will be difficult to resurrect"
- "our previous plan."
- ""
- "The preacher claimed he could"
- "_________ the dead."
- ""
- "utilize"
- "to make use of"
- "You should utilize your talents or"
- "you will lose them."
- ""
- "We should _______ our nation's"
- "excess food to feed the hungry."
- ""
- "venerate"
- "to regard with deep respect"
- "Someday he will venerate his"
- "teacher."
- ""
- "It is important for the children"
- "to ________ their parents."
- ""
- espect"
- "Someday he will venerate his"
- "teacher."
- ""
- "It is important for the childr